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Unable to link Adsense to Google Analytics

Are you getting this message when linking your Google Adsense with Google Analytics account? Even your both account are logged in with same email IDs?

  • Link to Existing Account on Google Analytics 
  • No accounts could be found to link. 
  • In order to link an account to AdSense, you must have administrative privileges on that account, and that account cannot have already been linked to AdSense. 
  • You can still go back and create a new account to link to AdSense.

You may be getting this error due to one of the problem I was facing, and if it is this then you have solution here.
Actually I had two Google Adsense accounts, and when i Knew the policy of Google Adsense that you can not have two account with same name then i wanted to close one of them and use one account for all of my websites.
Suppose I closed my adsense account A, and used Adsense account B for websites where Adsense A was enabled and was also linked to the Google Analytics.

After closing account A and using Account B, I wanted to Link Adsense Account B to the same Google Analytics Account but I got the errors as mentioned above. There was nothing very hard to do but if you know something then it take hardly a minute to do.

What you have to do is to send a request to unlink your adsense account with the analytics account which you have closed.

Send Unlink Request here
Click image to Enlarge
Enter your Email Address and Publisher ID of Adsense, you will be sent a confirmation email of Adsense-Unlink to Analytics.

If it was successful then then try to link your open Adsense account (Account B here) and see if it is doable now. 

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